Nannie's Scrapbooks
Book 1 page 91
Liberty Bell Itinerary In Texas-The itinerary of the Liberty Bell train through Texas was announced by Randolph Daniels, assistant general agent of the Katy. Coming into the State at El Paso, the train will come by way of San Antonio to Dallas, arriving at 2 p.m. Thursday, November 18. Two hours is the time allotted for Dallas. Departing by way of Corsicana the train will proceed to New Orleans. The contract with the Katy prescribes that the train must not move at a speed greater than thirty-five miles per hour at any time. A special road superintendent of engines will ride on the engine all the way to see that special care is taken in rounding curves. Grave fears are entertained that the famous crack in the bell ____kely to become larger. The itinerary follows: Leave Aloine, Texas, via G., H. & S.A. Railroad, Wednesday, Nov 17. 11 p.m.; arrive San Antonio 11 a.m. (stop two hours); leave San Antonio, via M.K. & T. Railroad, 1 p.m.: arrive Austin 4:30 p.m. (stop one hour and thirty minutes): leave Austin 6 p.m.; arrive Georgetown 7: 10 p.m.; (stop ten minutes) leave Georgetown at 7:10 p.m.; arrive Temple 8:25 (stop ten minutes); leave Temple 8:35 p.m.; arrive Waco 9:35 p.m. (stop one hour and thirty minutes); leave Waco 11:05 p.m.; arrive Denison 6 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 18 (stop one hour); leave Denison 7 a.m.; arrive Fort Worth 10 a.m. (stop one hour); leave Fort Worth, via Texas & Pacific Railroad, 11 a.m. arrive Arlington 11:20 a.m. (stop five minutes), leave Arlington 11:25 a.m. arrive Dallas 12 noon (stop two hours); leave Dallas via H. & T.C. Railroad, 2 p.m., arrive Corsicana 3:35 p.m. (stop five minutes), leave Corsicana 3:40 p.m., arrive Houston 9:30 p.m. (stop one hour and thirty minutes); leave Houston, via Sunset Central Lines, 11 p.m.; arrive Beaumont Friday, Nov. 19, 1:20 a.m. (stop ten minutes), leave Beaumont 1:30 a.m., arrive Lake Charles, La., 3:20 a.m. (stop ten minutes), leave Lake Charles 3:30 a.m.; arrive Jennings, 4:25 a.m. (stop five minutes); leave Jennings 4:30 a.m.; arrive Crowley, La., 5:05 a.m. (stop five minutes) Book I page 92 Dan T. GHENT is back in Belton-Senior Officer on ill-fated Antilles is visiting relatives and friends-Belton, Tex., Dec 8-Lieut. Commander Dan T. GHENT of the United States navy arrived in late this afternoon having come direct from New York to visit his wife and son as well as his many relatives and friends. He is here subject to call by the Navy department. He arrived in New York on Tuesday from "somewhere in France" where he had been since his vessel was torpedoed on October 16, when about 70 members of his crew were lost. Lieutenant Commander GHENT was the senior naval officer aboard the transport Antilles at the time it was torpedoed, and was one of the last men to leave that ill-fated vessel. He lost all of his personal effects and was unable to secure a uniform of his rank in the navy until he reached Queenstown. In conversation with the Staff Correspondent of the Telegram here tonight he stated that he did not, of course, know anything of his future movements further than to say that he would be called back within the next few days. He will most likely be attached to one of the new destroyer boats as senior officer which is now being completed by the Navy department. Further than to say that his experience with the submarine was intense he declined to talk about that occurrence. "I am glad to get back to Belton for a short time" He said. " I was born and reared here and old Belton still looks good to me. There has been much improvement and the country generally looks fine. I love grand old Texas and all of its people and am truly glad when I come across the state line. I hope to see a great many of my old time friends and acquaintance before I leave for duty as well as meet many new ones." Lieutenant Commander GHENT is the son of Mrs. H.C. GHENT of this city and a brother of Mrs. W. W. SHIPP of Belton, Mrs. Winbourn PEARCE, Temple, Mrs. C.C. CARTER, Temple, Mrs. M. L. GRAVES, Galveston, Mrs. John A. McINTOSH, San Antonio, and Henry C. GHENT of Dallas. The Funeral of Robert S. CROSBY-The remains of Robert S. CROSBY, who died at Camp Johnson, Jacksonville, Fla., on Monday, December 31st, with spinal meningitis, reached this city on the Santa Fe train yesterday morning and were carried to the CROSBY House, the home of his father, W. J. CROSBY to await the time set for the funeral. At 2:30 o'clock the remains were carried to the First Baptist Church where a large crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives was present to pay the last tribute to their departed friend, and where the funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. R. NUTT, who spoke very highly upon the life and character of the deceased. After the services were concluded at the church interment was made at the North Belton cemetery. Mrs. Travis Dead-Mr. and Mrs. J M. SCOTT of this city have received the sad news of the death of their daughter Mrs. Rowena TRAVIS, which occurred at her home at Ralls, Crosby County, last night. It will be remembered that she united in marriage last August with Mr. Oliver TRAVIS, and started on life's journey with bright prospects for a long life filled with happiness and prosperity. She is survived by her husband a little son, one week old. The remains will be brought here for interment, but as yet no arrangements for the funeral have been made, as it has not yet been learned when the party will reach here. The News extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents and other relatives. A Very Peculiar Registration-Henry KIRCHNER, 32 years a citizen of Belton, registered at the post office Wednesday under the Enemy Alien Registration Law. He came from Bremen, Germany, to America in 1859. Bremen was then an independent state. Henry says that because Bremen had a good seaport the Kaiser gobbled it up just as he is now trying to gobble up the whole world. Henry served 5 years in the United States Army and was told by a Judge in Lee County when he lived there that his service in the army made him an American citizen and that he did not have to take out naturalization papers. He has been voting ever since he became 21 years old and never dreamed that he was not an American citizen, but he sought legal advice and was told that it was best for him to register which he cheerfully did. He left three photographs of himself and has sent one to the Kaiser with his compliments to the effect that he hopes that his old home, Bremen, will again be a free state and that the Kaiser's throne will be shot from under him by the American soldiers the very day they march into Berlin, and that the House of the Hohenzollerns will be blown down forever. Uncle Henry is a good citizen if he is not a citizen. He is 72 years old and came to Texas in 1865. Visits Academy-At the chapel hour Wednesday morning Rev. Mr. CROSS, who is holding a meeting for the Christian Church here, accompanied by his singer, Mr. OGEL, and Pastor WILLIAMS, paid the Academy a visit. Mr. CROSS spoke to the students briefly and in happy vein. His manner is pleasing and attractive; what he says is sound as a dollar, and he has the faculty of putting his thought in a form that fastens itself on the mind. His coming was a pleasure to all. His words were inspiring; they stirred to greater effort to do things well, to master difficulties, to reach higher goals. Mr. WILLIAMS extended a cordial invitation to all to attend the meetings. Book I page 93
Confederate Monument-Base and pedestal of Georgia gray granite, Italian marble statue of Confederate soldier, at parade rest. Size of base, 12 feet square; height of monument, 19 feet. Stands in the courthouse lawn in Belton, near northwest corner. Cost $2,500.00. Presented by Bell County Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, to Bell County Camp, United Confederate Veterans, on December 16, 1916, when it was unveiled and dedicated with appropriate public ceremonies. "Nor shall your glory be forgot (Note by submitter: On page 86 Book V reads as follows:) Confederate Monument to be unveiled-This magnificent monument, the pride of all the people of Belton and Bell County, was erected by the Local Chapter of U.D.C.'S on the court house square recently, at a cost of $2,500.00. The unveiling ceremonies will take place Saturday, December 16th, at 2 p.m. the program for which was published in last week's Journal. The people of Bell County owe a debt of gratitude to the noble and courageous ladies who worked so long and so faithfully that a suitable monument might be erected to commemorate the bravery and the chivalry of all Confederates everywhere, for while it is dedicated only to those who went to the front from Bell County, yet it is a tribute to every brave man who wore the Gray in the memorable struggle between the States. And, every patriotic Southern man who beholds this monument, must, and does feel even prouder of the great achievements of those who fought for a principle which had never before been denied and which had been upheld by the highest court in the land. These brave men were not rebels. They were patriots fighting for their rights as it had been given them to see the right. AND THEY WERE RIG Forest Trees Continue to Fall-Capt. BOYD, my old soldier friend is dead. I was talking with him in Belton only a few days ago about the battle of Sharpsburg, which was fought on the 17th of Sept. 1862. He belonged to Jackson's command and I to Longstreet's. The Yanks were about to do us up when Jackson and his brave men appeared on the scene. They saved us from defeat. About 12 o'clock in the day when Jackson's lines were formed the Yanks were made to go back to where the battle began in the morning, when Lee's lines were re-established. The battle closed two hours before sun down, the bloodiest and gamiest of the war, viewed from both sides. So, let the old trees fall. It is Nature's law for all vegetation of the earth to pass just that way, as it has been passing for millions of years, and will continue to pass just that way for all time to come. -C.J. JACKSON, Killeen, Texas, Feb. 2, 1918. Flowers for the Living-Wednesday morning County Treasurer W. W. UPSHAW, Commander of Bell County Camp Confederate Veterans, and Mrs. W. K. SAUNDERS, former State Historian, United Daughters of the Confederacy, called upon Hon. Geo. W. TYLER at his office and presented to him a beautiful bouquet of flowers, tied with ribbons the chapter colors of the U. D. C. The presentation of the bouquet was occasioned by Mr. TYLER'S efforts in restoring the Muster Rolls of Bell County's Confederate soldiers which we published again in this issue of the Journal. Attached to the bouquets was a beautiful poem written by Mrs. SAUNDERS, from which the following verses are taken: Our Dear Esteemed Friend, Volunteered: Why didn't I wait to be drafted, The above lines were sent by Assistant Sergeant Harry V. NIGRO, who is now in training at the Great Lakes Naval station, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. NIGRO of this city. Book I page 94 Fifty One High School Graduates-Commencement Exercises for Seniors of Belton High Unusually Timely-Last night in Alma Reeves Chapel, fifty-one graduates of the Belton High for the year 1921 were given their diplomas the tangible evidence of their years work in high school. The program opened with a brief, but impressive invocation by Rev. WHITEHURST and Vara STAMPER, Salutatorian, very graciously read the welcoming address. Miss Lois McCALL played a lovely violin solo. The class history was read by John GALBRAITH and proved very interesting. Verda JARRELL made the class prophecy more than usually entertaining by her deviation from the usual making her characters quite the opposite in her prophecy to what they are in reality. Without a doubt the most noteworthy number on the program was the clever address given by Dr. L. W. PAYNE of Austin. Dr. PAYNE is profession of English in the Texas University. This talk dealt in similitude's and was a grammatical lesson, likening a young lad to an indefinite article and a young girl to a definite article, carrying his idea on and enlarging on it throughout his talk concluding with the idea of the verb stage the final goal which means "doing" and urged the graduated to not rest on their laurels but to be "verbs" and continue to strive for a goal. Prof. L. H. HUBBARD presented the diplomas and awarded the cups to the successful contestants. Book I page 95 A Letter from A Belton Boy in France-January 2, 1918-Dear Mother: We have just finished a wonderful Xmas, in as much as we have taught the French in this sector how to do it in America. We are located in a Sector sparsely inhabited by women and children, as it is very unhealthy here at times for grown-up men, and previous to our making this sector our home. These few hundred poor people never celebrated Xmas or gave alms or presents. All of our boys received many boxes from home containing candy, nuts, and small things which they carried on Xmas day to nearby villages and distributed to the poor. It had a wonderful effect. We had a Xmas tree Xmas Eve in our Y. M. C. A. So the French decided to do likewise on Jan 1. In the hospital here for the wounded they had everything beautifully arranged. A tree for each big ward, but the train bringing the small presents from Paris got into a wreck the same day of the celebration, thereby spoiling everything. Our boys heard of the misfortune and made a canvass of each of our Barracks and secured enough presents for these wounded to fill a hundred trees and the looks of gratitude when told the source their Xmas came from more than paid the donors. We spoiled these French children, when they had finished their Xmas candy. They came in bunches for miles around and stand outside in the snow and peep through a window, wherever they see an American and sing "Kan-Dee, Kan Dee." We are on the edge of a big forest, where there are lots of wild hogs, but we are not permitted to shoot them. Have also been out on the line riding trains and have seen quail from the cars as large as young chickens. Don't think however, I could kill these with an army gun, if I were permitted to hunt. We have an open season here on Germans, with no limit and this is the extent of our hunting. However, no one from my regiment has ever fired a gun, although one of the boys contends he brought down a German aviator with his gun. I am inclined to believe he was dreaming. Best love to all and my best wishes for a happy New Year.-Your son, Bess WARREN. Interesting Items Belton Branch of Red Cross-Officers and Committee Chairmen.-Mrs. C. B. WADE, chairman Belton Branch; Mrs. S. S. WALKER, vice chairman; Miss Cora RAY, secretary; Mrs. A. H. POTTS, treasurer. Mrs. Jesse BLAIR, chairman women's work; Mrs. L. V. BURFORD, chairman knitting; Mrs. Kyle HAMBLEN, chairman surgical dressings; Mrs. Henry AUSTIN, chairman purchasing; Mrs. A.D. POTTS, chairman extension; Mr. L. H. HUBBARD, chairman Junior Red cross; Mr. A.G. VICK finance. Mrs. C. B. WADE, Mrs. A. D. POTTS, Mrs. A.L. CURTISN, Miss Anabel BURFORD and Mr. C.B. WADE represent the Belton branch on the executive board of the Bell County Chapter. A shipment of ninety-five knitted articles was made this week, being consigned to I.F. BOYD, Field Director Camp Logan, for distribution among the soldiers in Texas camps, 8 pairs of wristlets, 32 sweaters, 6 mufflers, 40 pairs of socks, 9 helmets composed the shipment. Baylor College Auxiliary furnished two sweaters and one muffler and the Cooking Club furnished nine sweaters and one pair of wristlets for the consignment and the latter included eight handkerchiefs in its donation. A shipment of 324 hospital garments was consigned to the Supply Depot at St. Louis, and was made up of the following articles; 125 pairs pajamas, 91 bed shirts, 84 pairs bed socks, 24 pairs hospital leggins. Baylor College Auxiliary furnished two dozen pairs of bed socks for the shipment. Three Forks Auxiliary is actively at work on hospital garments. The knitters are also doing good work under the direction of Mrs. John WALLACE. Mrs. Lee CURRY is chairman of this Auxiliary and also represents the Auxiliary on the executive board of Bell County Chapter. Under the direction of Mrs. HARKEY the workers in the Auxiliary at Salado are busy making hospital garments. There will be a report from them shortly. The Surgical Dressings department will have ready next week a shipment of 5000 gauze compresses. Workers are wanted in this department. Workers must wear long sleeved aprons and head coverings. This rule was not made by the Belton branch, instructions come from headquarters of Southwestern Division, St. Louis. The following communication has bee received. "The Medical Department of the Army is preparing itself for casualties on an unprecedented scale and the demand for surgical dressings and hospital garments is insistent. We are not only called upon to supply the demands of our allies, but must accumulate a great reserve to be used as operations become more active in the Spring. Fill up your workrooms and keep them full in order to turn out a steady stream of hospital garments and surgical dressings against the days of disaster which are to come. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the necessity of using every ounce of energy available If we are to avoid misery unspeakable for our sons and brothers, and humiliation unending for ourselves.-Louis LA BEAUME, Director of Publicity, Southwestern Division Food and Feed Campaign Meeting-The Texas Food and Feed Production management Food are putting on a vigorous campaign over Texas, with five teams of speakers who are touring the State. Team No. 3, consisting of three prominent speakers who know the situation and are able to advise our people, will visit Belton and hold a public meeting, in the district court room, on Friday morning, February 15th at 10 a.m. and discuss the following subjects: "Why we Are at War," :The Nation's Need for Food and Feed," "How to Make the Soil Do Its Duty," "The War Garden and the War," "How Every Child May Help Win the War," "Fight the Kaiser With the Hoe," etc. Judge F. M. SPANN and other local speakers will also address the meeting. The Belton High School will attend and sing some patriotic songs. The Chamber of Commerce band will play. We ask everybody, men and women, who possibly can, to turn out and to come promptly on the minute. BELL COUNTY COUNCIL OF DEFENSE, Geo. W. TYLER. Book 1 page 97 Tells of Waco 55 years Ago-Rev. Abe MULKEY bought baled thread of east Waco Factory in 1863-"Fifty-five years ago was my first visit to Waco," said Rev. Abe MULKEY of Corsicana, Saturday. " I was just twelve years old. A merchant gave me $700 in gold to buy baled thread that was manufactured in East Waco. At that time Waco had 1,500 inhabitants, about Dallas had 1,000; Fort Worth 600. I left my team on the east side of the river, got on a ferry boat deposited my money by an old saddler named PARKS until I looked over the town, the biggest one I had ever seen since I left Nashville, Tenn., my old home. It did not take me long. A gentleman said, "Abe, I will give you $4 to take the running gear of this old hack back to Waxahachie with you.' In order to save expenses I pulled it down to the ferry boat by mand, sat on the edge of the boat with my money rolled up in a flour sack. The old Negro ferryman quarreled with me because he thought I was going to detain him. In order to save time I jumped up quickly, caught hold of the tongue of the hack and began pulling it. All at once I thought, where is my money? I could not tell where it was. I offered $5 reward for the package. Just then my young brain began to operate and I remembered leaving it on the boat. I sat down on the bank and saw a little something white sticking up between the two floors. Just as the boat landed I jumped on board, snatched the bag out, and ran like a turkey to my wagon and mules. A Negro said, "I found that,' and it costs me a dollar to pay him off. I went at once to the factory made the investment, and have ever since had the story to tell the boys about my first time in Waco. "My next visit to Waco was twenty-five years ago, while Dr. A. J. Bourland was pastor of the Fifth Street Methodist Church. I had an excellent meeting at that time, held on South Fifth, near the church. "My third visit was to aid Drs. NELMS and HOTCHKISS. My fourth was to aid Herring Avenue Methodist Church. And Sunday morning at 11 I will preach in Austin Avenue Methodist Church subject ""Love Manifested" and the orphans will sing. Sunday night I will preach at Fifth Street, my subject being the well known theme, "Restitution." I would be glad that all who have no wings would come." Christmas Poem of Baylor Dean Causes Comment-Following is the Christmas poem greeting sent to friends and students by Dean J. L. KESLER of Baylor University which has been generally commented upon: Christmas 1917. 'Tis midnight dark and every spark -J. L. KESLER Dec 21, 1917 Book 1 page 98 Bell County Boys Who Were on the Transport Tuscania-The following names of Bell County soldier boys appear in the list of survivors of the Tuscania disaster: Robert L. HOLLY, Temple; Harry F. ELLISON of Temple; William E. MANN, Salado; Milton R. BLANKENSHIP, Rogers; George W. DUNLAP, Little River, and Louis McCANN of Temple. In Bell County Since 1859-Mr. W.T.J. HARTRICK, Temple R.2 called in to see the Journal Thursday to have his name added to our list of subscribers. Mr. HARTRICK came to Bell County in 1859 and with the exception of the time spent in the Confederate cause, has resided here continually ever since. He is 83 years old and is in fine health and physical condition. Mr. HARTRICK, who is one of Bell County's very best citizens is the father of Mrs. Howard GARRISON of this city. Wilson WADE, Belton Boy, Writes an Interesting Letter From France-The following letter was received by Mr. W.C. WADE of Belton on Feb. 4 from his son, Wilson WADE, who is now in France: France, Jan 4, 1918 Dear Dad: If my candle lasts I will get this written tonight; otherwise-France is some place. It took us twenty-one days to get from the U.S. to England and forty-eight hours more to get to France. When we hit France we went into camp awaiting further orders, which came about three days later. I had a good deal of time off and saw the town pretty well. Then we came to this place. We are in a small, out-or-the-way place-not a village, but a small town-where we are to receive our final training before getting into action. We will be here probably a month or more. The weather is cold and there is snow on the ground, but we are quartered in an old monastery and have stoves to keep us warm. I never dreamed of living in one of these places. It is rather romantic. The building forms three sides of an open court, the fourth side being formed by an ancient cathedral which is still used as such. The monastery has for some years been used as a barracks for French soldiers. There is a high stone wall around the place except for the church, which is left outside. There is only one entrance and that is through a big arched gateway. Underneath the building is a network of tunnels, cells, etc., and some of the men say there are skeletons down there. I have not yet had time to explore the place. The whole place bears an atmosphere of romance and mystery and every time I come in through the gate and the guard yells "Attention" and all the men standing guard come to attention and salute, it gives me a thrill. Yesterday, while digging a ditch in a small court on the grounds, the boys dug up a human skeleton about two feet under the ground. Interesting? I wouldn't trade places with the luckiest "slacker" in the states. The town itself is interesting enough. All the houses are of stone and any spaces that may be between them are all walled up with a high stone wall, so that either side of the narrow, crooked, street presents a stone wall with an occasional door. The streets, with very few exceptions, are not over twenty feet wide, and very crooked, and paid with cobble stones. The topography of the country is rough, so altogether the result is a exceedingly beautiful, interesting place. There is not much concentration of business property, but the shops and stores are scattered among the homes, in most cases the same building serving both purposes. The French people, of course, are utra-polite, and particularly so toward American soldiers. There had been no American troops here until about two weeks ago, so with the fact that we are doing everything possible to keep up the good feeling, we are treated fine. The mayor issued a proclamation prohibiting price raising and admonishing the people to treat us with the utmost consideration; and they are certainly doing it. On New Year's he held open house for the American officers and we all went around and drank a glass of wine with him to the health of America and France, and bowed and smiled, and "Ah"ed with him. I am learning more French everyday, and will soon be quite proficient. They serve a light wine with every meal, and it is good. It is little more than sweet cider, and one could not get drunk on it, however much you drank. I received your letter of Dec. 5th last Sunday. It was the first mail I had received since I left San Antonio, and I was indeed glad to get it. I am expecting a whole lot more to be forwarded from Garden City. I am falling in love with France. If ever I get "ahead" far enough, I am coming back here after the war. It is 4:30 now and I have just come back from a long hike. Like the country better than ever. We were out on a road that was almost as good as that from Lorena to Waco, though is is only a graveled road. Along both sides of this road is a space as wide as the road, which is a regular park. The grass here stays green the year round. There is a row of trees that almost touch overhead and there are no weeds nor trash of any kind. Even the rocks are piled up in neat little piles. There are no fences here. They use rock walls or hedges. The scenery is just the kind you read about but never expect to see. It doesn't seem real that I am actually in France and living as I am and seeing all these things. I keep wondering if I won't wake up pretty soon and find it all a dream. In the spring, when the trees get green, this country must be more beautiful than imagination can make it. Will close for this time and write more later.-Yours, Wilson In Bell County Since 1852-The Journal wishes to acknowledge a visit Wednesday from Mr. and Mrs. J. M. CARPENTER, who live out on route six. The Journal will go to their address in the future. Mr. CARPENTER came to Bell County in 1852 and has resided here ever since except the four years spent in the Confederate Army, he having volunteered and went out from Bell County. Mr. CARPENTER is 85 years old today (Thursday) and carries his years as sprightly as most men do at sixty. Mr. CARPENTER who is one of our very best citizens is the father of Ghent CARPENTER, assistant cashier of the Belton National bank. Red Cross Speaking at the Courthouse-W.A. SCOTT who represents the American Red Cross will speak in the district courtroom Friday night the 15th at 8 o'clock. His subject will be: "What Has Been Accomplished by the Red Cross and the Necessity of its Continuance."" With Mr. SCOTT will be an English army officer, whose name The Journal was unable to get, who will also deliver an address. This will be a very interesting meeting and every one should attend. Book 1 page 99 Honor Roll-In the presentation of the Honor Roll of the First Christian Church by the War Emergency Committee, the Chairman, Mrs. Thomas YARRELL Sr. made the following remarks and recommendations: "I have served on many committees, but on none that I ever felt so honored. And to prove to you how proud I am to serve this committee, I have only to tell you that in a modest corner, I inscribed our names that future generations may not forget that we served on it. Our boys are leaving home and the home church for the training camps and the trenches. The government will pay and feed and clothe them. Personal friends will supply the comfort kits and trinkets for the camp. The Y. M. C.A. and similar organizations will provide the means of recreation and amusements; the Red Cross service will heal their wounds and minister to their suffering, but what shall the home church do? Can it do anything? Yes, the church has much to give-faith and hope, and courage and love; it has Christ to give, and "the power of an endless life." Let our boys carry with them the certain knowledge, that, in no hour of temptation of loneliness, of fear, hardship, of suffering, or of death will the church at home forget them at the Throne of Grace. One of the questions confronting the church is that of keeping in touch with the young men who are going to the front, and your committee presents the following recommendations: 1. We should keep an Honor Roll bearing the names of all who enlist from our Bible school and church. 2. Present pocket Testaments, and not let one of our boys go out without seeing that he is provided with the sword of the spirit, which he may need for his own sake far more than he will need the bayonet of the Government. 3. We should make provision for letters-that will let the boys know they are not forgotten. Birthday cards and Christmas greetings would be appreciated. We further suggest that you ascertain the name of your pastor at the Cantonments, and send him name and address of your boys, asking him to visit them. 4. We recommend a Recognition service when the boys are home on visits. Be sure and call attention to them, if nothing more than have them stand while the Chatauqua salute is given, and sing "America" or "Onward Christian Soldiers." Respectfully submitted by War Emergency Committee,-Mrs. Thomas YARRELL, Sr., Mrs. J. M. JARRELL, Mrs. E. W. FOREMAN, Mrs. O. P. PYLE. Could Not Tell Belton From Austin-An aviator on his way from the north to Austin Saturday, when he got directly over Belton, decided that he had arrived at Austin. He thought our courthouse was the State Capitol and that Baylor College was the State University. Accordingly he sailed around awhile and came to earth just north of the city, only to find his mistake. He said the size of our courthouse and the size of Baylor College would cause any aviator to be mistaken, and that he was not surprised at his mistake. He did not tarry long with us but took wing and was off again for Austin. Love-by Miss Susie HOWSE, Belton, Texas-Love, the key, that opens hearts, and binds lives together; the melody of the soul; the balm of life; that speaks peace to man. Love is that part of us, that becomes perfect, through suffering, and the only part of us that descended from heaven. Love is that part of man inherited from God, for "God is Love." Where there is happiness, holiness and peace, love is king. Love is the foundation of the home, the church, and nation. It is the ruling spirit of love that prompts every deed of kindness and noble art of charity. When we cross the Stream of Death and reach our home above, our reward will be the pure love of God, on through eternity. Funds to Endow Bed in a Hospital-The following verses are published as a special invitation to the public to attend the "Hooverized 42" tournament given by the Daughters of the Confederacy at the home of Mrs. W.K. SAUNDERS, on Thursday, February 14, beginning at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and 8 o'clock in the evening: Somebody's Boy The Bell County Chapter U. D. C., Book 1 page 100 Trees Continue to Fall in the Forest-N.C. JACKSON is dead. Died at West in McLennan county on the 4th of February 1918. He was a member of Company G, in 5th Texas regiment, Hood's Brigade. He enlisted at Cameron, Texas, in J.C. ROGERS Company in 1861. This Confederate soldier has a record that no other Confederate soldier can give. He was in every battle fought by Hood's Bridged during the four years of its history. Never was absent from his command; never sick a day; never in a hospital, and never received a wound, and surrendered at Appomatox court house with the Army of Lee. There was no other soldier that accomplished such a feat. I have inquired for forty years for such a one, and I do not believe that there ever was. I asked him once, at my house in Belton, if he could give any reason why the bullets did not hit him. He answered at once and said yes, that he always stayed out in the open. You see, a battle line comes up in line, and is supposed to stay in line, as near as practicable, and of course the Yanks would shoot at the line, and never at a single man out by himself, and this accounts for his escape. At the surrender we had twenty-six men out of one hundred and fifty we began with. I was in Ft. Delaware, a prisoner of war. But the question I want answered is: "Where is the reward for a patriotic soldier?" If there ever was a patriotic soldier, this man, N.C. JACKSON, was. He died a tramp in his native land without a place to even lay his head.-C.J. JACKSON, Killeen, Texas.-February 8, 1918. Temple Boy Loses Life on the Tuscania-The fate of George A. ALTWEIN of Temple who was aboard the Tuscania when it was sunk by a German submarine Feb. 5, has been definitely settled and the war department has advised his parents, Mr. an Mrs. Fred W. ALTWEIN of this city that their son is officially reported among the missing. George ALTWEIN was twenty-one years of age, his birthday occurring June 3rd, just two days prior to the date of registration for the draft. A difference of three days in his birth was the difference between life and death, for had his natal day occurred that much later he would not have been within registration age and the tale might have been different. He had resided here since he was three years of age and was well known to many people. He was in the first contingent sent to Camp Travis. O f the eight Bell county boys who were on the ill-fated transport, seven escaped injury and death. ALTWEIN being the sole sacrifice. Book 1 page 103 At other Camps-A seven-year-old boy who says he is "able to git" the Kaiser, is the latest person to apply at the recruiting office at Camp Pike, Arkansas. Here is the boys letter: Montecello, Jan. 11, 1918 "Army Recruiting Officer. Dear Officer: I am a little boy 7 years old. May I join the army? I am real strong, and I think I kin whip any German boy my size. I will make a good soldier and I kin git the Kizzer for you. "I belong to the Red Cross, but that is more for wimin and gurls. Let this letter be my volunation for my country. -Adress Cliffon RAOULS, Monticello Smiles and Tears- by Walt MASON-Its fatuous, to whoop around like wildly optimistic chaps, and say that Germany is bound, when we get busy, to collapse. It's villainous to be a frost a brooding pessimist or worse, and shriek, that everything is lost whenever we've a small reverse. It seems to me the gents I meet are one or t'other, all the time; one's optimism can't be beat, one's pessimism is a crime. Extremes are usually vain; from truth they lead our feet afar; I wish my friends were safe and sane and that they'd see things as they are. I'm optimistic when I think of what the outcome's bound to be; I feel quite sure we'll put a kink in autocrats across the sea. I'm pessimistic when I try to figure when the war will end, and think of legions who must die before the victors' hymns ascend. I'm optimistic when I view our soldiers, dauntless, full of fight, and know their hearts are brave and true, and that they're battling for the right. I'm pessimistic when I see the homes whence come the ranks and files, where women sigh most wearily while wearing imitation smiles. I see so much that grieves today, today I see so much that cheers, I'm smiling as I go my way, but I am smiling through my tears-(copyright 1918, by George Matthew ADAMS) Book 1 page 104 Battleship Texas Wins all Honors-(Associated Press Dispatch)-Washington. Feb 2.-In addition to the Knox trophy, won through excellence at gunnery practice the battleship Texas has been awarded the battle efficiency pennant and the prize for best performance in fleet maneuvers. The three trophies were presented to the crew recently in the presence of Admiral MAYO, commander in chief of the Atlantic fleet, and his staff. Secretary DANIELS sent a congratulatory message to Captain Victor BLUE who has been returned to the command of the Texas. Galveston County First Over the Top-(Associated Press Dispatch)-Galveston, Tex., Feb 2-Galveston county is the first county in the United States to oversubscribe its monthly quota of War Savings stamps, according to a letter received today by George SEALY, Galveston County director of war savings, from Louis LIPSITZ of Dallas, state director of the war savings committee. E.R. CHEESEBOROUGH, postmaster, announced that $124, 121.65 worth of War Savings stamps were sold in the county during January. The county's monthly quota is $74,573. Book 1 page 105 Communication-To the Editor Trench and Camp:-I am not much on writing articles for publication but will ask you to please publish this: I just came out of one of the Y. M. C. A. buildings in which were to be seen posters on the wall. I would advise every man in camp to see them. They are wonderful. They are effective. I have read things like them many times but none have had the effect on me that those did. They told of what WILL, not MIGHT, happen when a man loses his mind long enough to give way to temptation. I have a mother and as all other men, love her more, than anyone else on earth. I will come home to her with mind and body pure. I am proud of my father and will bring him home a son who will make him proud. I want my father and dear mother, God bless them to be happy. I don't want for them to have the greatest sorrow on earth. That sorrow is a child whom they raised; whom they sacrificed for and whom they hope for, to become a physical wreck. And I have a sister. May God protect and guide her. She is pure and may she always be so. God only knows what I would do to the man who would ruin her, if I ever found him. Maybe other girls and their brothers are in the same kind of shoes I am in. I will help all brothers to keep their sisters pure. Now men, Let's all make the same resolution. Let's all be men. A free mind, self-control and physical exercises will help us. We may want to marry. Will we be perfectly willing to marry a girl who is not pure? No!-signed-A Son and Brother. Pride of the K.P.-I am a member of Company B, Book 1 page 106 Young Belton Lady Dies-Belton, April 17-Word was received in this city this morning announcing the death of Miss Corinne HATCHER of this city, which occurred at the home of her brother, Lewis HATCHER, in Upton, N. M., last night. Miss HATCHER was a Belton reared girl and resided here with her parents most of her life. She had been in Upton since last October where she went for the benefit of her health. She was next to the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. HATCHER, old and honored residents of this city, and was in ill health for something like two years. She was known for her sweet and gentle disposition and was a friend to all her acquaintances, and was one of Becton's most popular young women. The remains are expected to reach this city tomorrow night over the mid night Santa Fe and the funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the HATCHER home in North Belton. Rev. W.H. HOWARD will conduct the services. Interment will be in North Belton cemetery. An Indiana Sergeant Fired First U.S.A. Shot-How the War Between Germany and the United States Began on Land-"Sergeant, where are you from?' " I'm from South Bend, Indiana." "Are you Irish?" "No sir," with a laugh at the unexpected question. This is all the information yet given us about the soldier who aimed and fired the first American cannon-shot on land. The questions were put to him by a lieutenant of another company, looking down into the trench. Why the second question was asked we are not informed. The trench was well screened by bushes stuck in the earth, showing the brown of late Autumn foliage. Mud covered the ground. As the south Bend sergeant aimed the gun and fired, the blinding flash was followed instantly by a deafening roar. Those Americans from Indiana had been warned to protect their ear-drums by putting their fingers in their ears, or some of them might never have heard again. The roar was followed by the scream of the shell, piercing the air. This became only a distant hum a few seconds later, as the projectile sped on over a hill which at that point separated the Americans from the Germans. Then came the clank of the shell-case as it was thrown out of the gun to make ready for the second shot. The distant sound of the exploding shell was heard. From some far-off observation point came a message by telephone, and the hoarse voice of a lieutenant ordered: "Aim her two points further to the left!" So the first American cannonade began. This small detachment of American troops reached the trenches after a march through mud and rain. The horses that were to have been there before them, with the cannon, had not arrived. But the brave young Americans were too eager for the fray to wait long. Weary as they were with marching they went back, tied a long rope to a gun and dragged it to the front. It was this gun that first spoke with the voice of America to the "vons" who, with their emperor at their head, are trying to banish liberty from this world. Book 1 page 108 The Message: I start this little poem Written by Beatrice Nigro SNIDER for her brother Harry Vincent NIGRO of Company B 5th Regiment, Camp Perry Great Lakes, Illinois. The above lines were received by Mr. and Mrs. V. NIGRO of this city, from their son Harry, who is at the Great Lakes Training Station. It brought to them a pleasant message, and if you will read downward, using the first letter of each line, you can learn what the message was. Honor Flag Service-The Philathea class of the First Christian Church will have service flag presentation exercises tomorrow, Sunday night at 8:30, to honor the boys in the service of the United States army and navy. The flag made by members of the class contains thirty-four stars, two of them being in gold to honor deceased members. Following is the program and names of those the occasion seeks to honor: "America", Congregation. Book 1 page 109 Special Service at Methodist Church-The "True Blue" class of the Methodist church will have "Service Flag presentation" exercises at the Methodist Church at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow night, with the following program: Voluntary.... Mrs. A. L. CURTIS Boys off to Army-Belton, April 17-Twenty-four young men will be sent from here at 5 o'clock for Camp Travis. They will be in charge of Boston JONES of this city until the reach Camp Travis. Mr. JONES is being assisted by Willie WENDLAND of Killeen. The following is a list of those who will entrain tonight: Jesse C. COTHRAN, Albert W. HENDERSON, Allen C. KIRKLAND, John LEE, Roy TUCKER, Benj. C. L. HORTON, Dock R. HOUSEWRIGHT, Daniel E. BELK, George W. ROBERTS, George T. ENGLAND< Charles H. BILES, Thomas C. NAISMITH, Leonidas DUNBAUGH, Joe L. SMITH, James A. ANDRUS, James L. SWOPE, Hiram W. WALKER, Willie W. WENDLAND, Chas B. KIMBRO, Eugene Knox TRAYLOR, Louis D ROBINGSON, Leon LIPSCOMB, Edward R. BARTLETT, Edward B. JONES and Leroy P. BARTLETT. Death of Miss Corinne HATCHER-It was with the deepest regret that a large number of friends learned of the death of Miss Corinne HATCHER, which occurred last night, at the home of her brother, Lewis HATCHER, at Upton, New Mexico, after an illness lasting for several months. The remains are expected to reach here on the Santa Fe tomorrow night, and the funeral to be held Monday afternoon. Deceased who was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. HATCHER, was a most accomplished young lady, loved and honored by young and old alike. She will be sadly missed by a very large circle of friends, who today mourn because of her demise. Book 1 page 110 Soldier's Story of the 80th Brigade Ten Day Hike-by Jack BARRETT, Company C-Saturday morning at 7:30 o'clock the Eightieth brigade, under Brigadier General Herman HALL, was given orders to move on the first leg of a momentous ten-day maneuver. The Eightieth is composed of the 159th and 160th regiments of infantry and the 145th machine gun battalion; the ambulance and supply companies were also in line. Shortly after taking to the road the 80th passed the 79th brigade. The 79th is composed of troops from the state of Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. Much good natured banter was thrown at the 80th by the men of Brigadier General TUTHILL'S brigade, and we'll admit they got away with some of it-until one lanky son of Colorado said something about the Native Sons of California. As the 80th is made up chiefly of boys from the Golden State, the remark started the wits of the Californians to working, and it was a crestfallen bunch of troopers who returned to Camp Kearny, while the 80th got away to a good start. The first leg of the long hike was the hardest to the boys, as we were not used to the heavy pack, weighing close to eighty pounds. The boys were given a rest of ten minutes after walking fifty minutes and these periods of marching and resting held good throughout the entire maneuver. Camp was pitched the first day eleven miles from Camp Kearny in the State Farm and the boys were as busy as bees in chopping down eucalyptus trees, making roads, digging fireplaces, pitching tents and a thousand and one other thins incidental to establishing a modern field camp. Wagon details, wood, water, and self-appointed rattlesnake killers were busy as the proverbial ants. Camp was finally established in record time; the smell of savory cooking was in the air; so too, was the spirit of enthusiasm which followed the 80th throughout the entire maneuver. Camp was broken in the early morning hours, whilst Old Luna: was still throwing her silvery rays upon the Sunshine brigade. Once more we took to the road and the ruts. After the course of time, Del Mar was reached. Here at the beautiful California resort, camp was made for the second day. After we were settled, the boys were allowed to enjoy the cooling, cleaning waters of the "Ocean of Peace." We will admit, too, that the waters were peaceful-exceedingly so-about as peaceful as is the policy of Kaiser WILHELM and the German general staff. However, the 80th overcame the tactics of old Neptune, is in the following days the 159th managed to enjoy the wily tricks of the 160th. So many of the huskies of the 80th evidenced a wish to follow the precept of the thing coming next to godliness that the supply of men suits soon proved insufficient and sad but too true, the followers of Mars were forced to adorn their masculine beauty in the latest creation in feminine bathing suits. Still if one had power of imagination, the boys with their skirts didn't look too much unlike the gladiators of Rome. Monday morning, still by the rays of Luna, camp was once more broken and we started on the road to the San Deguito ranchito. Once the ranchito was reached, the business upon which he set forth was soon impressed upon every man of the 80th. Most of the problems to be worked out were accomplished by pitting the 159th regiment against its ancient rival, the 160th. While the men of Southern California did themselves proud, still the elect wits of Colonel FARRELL S men from Northern California proved to be just a shade superior and in every problem the 159th came out the victor. Notwithstanding the articles appearing in the San Diego Union and the Associated Press, the plain truth is and was that the 159th carried off the honors. We were entrenched in the hills. Our numbers were equal, and with the never-say-die spirit of the 159th it would have taken several divisions to rout our regiment out of its position. One thing in the first day's problem that the members of the "Fourth Estate" evidently overlooked was that when the 159th began to fire from its entrenched position in the hills, the 160th was surprised while still in columns of squads. Nuf sed. After the problems were marked out the entire satisfaction of the "powers that be," plans were entertained for the return march to Camp Kearny. Early Sunday morning, the 4th, the 80th started upon its march to Del Mar, which place was reached by 11 a.m. Camp pitched, the boys once more took advantage of a dip in the briny. Too much cannot be said of the hospitality of the people of Del mar. The boys of the 80th sure are grateful. Monday morning the boys built fires and cooked their own meals. Meals-good heavens! If our loving parents and friends could have seen Tommy, Johnny or Bobbie cooking their respective breakfasts, it is doubtful whether said fond parent or friend would have laughed or cried. I can vouch that one chap's breakfast consisted of two slices of potato, a cup of coffee and a lemon, enjoyed about the middle of the way home. On such a breakfast the boys of the 80th started upon their return to Camp Kearny and home. What a wonderful record the boys made no doubt you all have read by this time. It was a record march. The brigade Covered the thirteen miles at a rate of over three and one-half miles an hour. When some of the boys showed evidences of collapse and they were few in number. Their comrades were only too ready to carry their packs. The 8th reached camp and home shortly after 11 o'clock. While stiff, tired and in some cases burning or sore feet, they entered camp singing and cheering. The esprit de corps of the 80th is "100 per cent true." Brigadier General HALL won the confidence of his men and the boys sure tried hard to do their all for him, for the division, and most of all, for General STRONG, our commander. The boys of the 80th are ready for France. Nuf sed. Book 1 page 111 Company "A" Notes-159th Infantry-Private ADAMS is back on his old job in the canteen again. Harvey is especially fitted to this kind of work, as we fully believe he could sell cigars to a wooden Indian. Private CENISOROS caught his first K.P. in the company last Sunday, but at that it appeared to be a very pleasant job. At least none of the other privates in the company have been able to make it look as attractive as "Murphy" did. Judging from the scores that come back from the range, the whole company ought to shoot on one target at a time so as to qualify at least one man. One new target went through the whole rapid fire course without having a single bulls eye on it. Kindly take notice: The person who found a sum of money in Sergeant NISSEN'S box need not trouble himself to look in it again, as no more will be kept there. So please don't disturb the contents of said box again. The earthquake of last Sunday may have brought good with it to someone, but Hans PRECHT swears he is not the one. Hans had rolled as pretty a natural as one could wish to see, when the quake turned the dice into a crap. Sure tough luck, Hans. At last Tucker was accused of doing something of which he was perfectly innocent. It was the earthquake and not Tuck that disturbed Sergeant HENRY'S slumber on Sunday afternoon. Its surely takes a lot to kill good men, for even after being annihilated twice in the battle last Friday, Company A was able to march back to camp. Private REED is still wondering where the cloudburst came from that hit him the other night. Ask FAGALDI, REED, and you may find out. Enoch HOLMES has discovered the one and only hair-restorer. He will give this secret away to anyone afflicted with baldness for the absurdly low price of one (1) dollar. All correspondence absolutely confidential. Sergeant FERRARI and Corporals FOREMAN and SCRININGEOUR made a trip to Los Angeles last Saturday and Sunday. It is too bad that the poor boys can't find something closer to camp or persuade the young ladies in question to move to San Diego, as they lose so much time in traveling back and forth. Our turn at guard came around just in time to make Company A put off its smoker from Tuesday to Wednesday night. Book 1 page 113 Company "A" Notes 159th Infantry-Never did Camp Kearny look so beautiful to our eyes as it did on Monday, when we topped the rise the other side of Linda Vista. Through the whole hike Company A never lost a man, which is a good record and one that should always be kept up in the future. Much credit should be given to Musician RAYBURN for sticking the way he did the first day out. The first Sunday out and also the last Sunday out, while in camp at Del Mar, both the beach and the plunge were crowded with soldiers. When the men's bathing suits ran out the fellows put on women's suits, and many neat looking maids with mustaches were to be seen on the beach. It surely was a shame that the poor 160th couldn't be allowed to win a single "battle" on the trip. Sergeant MERTES was not willing to take any chances on them, however, for after his outpost had fired on an "enemy" patrol that refused to be dead, MERT gave the order to fix bayonets. This was too much for the 160th who turned tail and went. Private SIMMONS radiator started to boil coming up the hill by Torrey Pines, but after he had refilled it with cold water he made it along on all four the rest of the way. Corporal KOVARIK came out to camp on Wednesday, after being on a brief furlough. He says Oakland is still there and he had a fine time on his trip. Sergeant VANSCOY didn't seem to enjoy the company of all the centipedes, scorpions and rattlers encountered on the trip. He stayed awake most of one night looking through his blankets, after casing a nice, companionable centipede out of his bunk. From now on it will be hard for the gold bricks to get by. They have no excuse now after standing up on the hike, and they surely can stand the daily drill. Mechanic TURNER stuck with us even if he did develop a hump on his back. He was advised to leave Camels alone, as it seems that long association with these "animals" is liable to cause a hump to grow on anyone. Trench shoes and hardwood floors don't agree at all, as might have been seen in the lobby of Stratford Inn at Del Mar. Quite a number of the men had difficulty in keeping their feet on that slippery floor, and all say that the next time they go out "in society" they will be sure to put their skid chains on before starting. In order to help out the emergency rations on Sunday and Monday mornings a bunch of the men helped it out with eggs and other groceries bought in Del Mar. As a result there were quite a few orders of "Ham and -" at all the meals cooked and quite a lot of bacon was brought back to camp. Book 1 page 116 Shells Bury Sergeant Alive-Prevent Rescue-By Fred S. Ferguson-United Press Staff Correspondent-With the American Army near Luneville, March 20-He was a sergeant from New York, and his bunkies will tell you he was one of the gamiest men the army ever saw. The Botch had been shelling a position he was in all day long. He had taken refuge in a dugout. It was hit by a shell and he was buried in the debris. The shelling continued so hot his mates did not dare rescue him. Twenty-four hours later with pick and shovel flying they found him. To the surprise of everyone the sergeant was still alive. He had been extricated down to the waist, his legs still being held fast in the dirt and concrete. The mud was wiped from his face and he was given a drink of water. His rescuers were hurrying up with more shovels and digging frantically to free him. He opened his eyes. "Allright boys, don't worry on my account and don't expose yourselves," he said. "I guess I'm not hurt, and you don't want to take any chances." Just then another shell broke. A ton of earth caved in-with the sergeant beneath it. It is his grave. Miss Ruth GARRISON BEATON-Yesterday while teaching at Rogers Miss Ruth GARRISON the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard GARRISON of this city had occasion to correct one of the pupils for disobeying the rules. Today about 11:45 o'clock it is alleged the mother of the child came into the schoolroom and proceeded to beat Miss GARRISON with a large stick. One of the larger boys from another room hearing the scuffle came in and intervened in defense of the teacher, and it alleged the stick was used freely upon all who came within reach. Dr. M. P. McELLHANNON was called to Rogers to attend Miss GARRIOSN, who it is state was not seriously hurt, but received several bad cuts and bruises on the head. She was brought home on this afternoon's train. Members of the sheriff's department are making a thorough investigation. Charley CHAPLIN Drafted by England-Evening News Special-Waco, Texas, April 23-Charley CHAPLIN who was to have delivered an address here in the interest of Liberty Loan bonds, the local committee has been notified can't be here, all his speaking dates having been cancelled. This high priced movies man has been drafted for war service by England, being the reason for the cancellation of speaking dates. Death of R. P. VANNOY-After a long illness Mr. R. P. VANNOY died at his home in Holland last night. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning with interment in North Belton cemetery. Deceased was 69 years of age and was well known, having resided in this county for many years, part of that time in Belton, during which he conducted what is now known as the Crosby Hotel. One Man's Patriotism To me this world is nothing, Book 1 page 117 Receives Soldier Paper-Belton, April 27.-Mrs. J. S. MORGAN of this city is in receipt of the "Stars and Stripes" a weekly paper published by the American boys in France. The paper is of the date March 15 and is filled with interesting matter. It was sent by Mrs. MORGAN'S son, Leo, who has been in France ever since last fall. The young man volunteered last year and is stationed with the quartermaster's department. Book 1 page 118 Judge Mallory B. BLAIR-(Note by submitter: the article must have had a picture of Judge BLAIR, however Nannie did not include the picture. However, this article is probably from the Belton Journal or Temple Telegram either 1918 or 1917. The Temple Library has these newspapers on microfilm. A copy could easily be obtained. The article appears as follows:) The above is a picture of that splendidly, patriotic and wholly unselfish young man who, so successfully, as county chairman, managed the first and second Liberty Loan drives for Bell County and who how has everything in readiness to begin the drive for the Third Liberty Loan Saturday. April 6th. The County is thoroughly organized the, proper committees having been appointed in all portions of the County. A few weeks ago in writing of the unselfish and splendid work being done by another Bell County citizen as chairman of the Bell County Council of Defense and of the County Food Administration, the Hon. Geo W. TYLER, the Journal took occasion to say that we had other Bell County citizens in mind who deserve special mention for their nobly unselfish work, and that, when the spirit again moved us we were going to tell about them. Well, the spirit is again moving us, and without the knowledge or consent of Judge BLAIR, for he is a modest young man and will read what we here write with many blushes, we are going to say that in all this world there is not a more patriotic and unselfish young man than is Judge Mallory B. BLAIR. In the conduct of the other two Liberty Loan campaigns of the county, he visited all sections of the county, making the most effective speeches at his own expense, never complaining or asking anyone to help him bear the burden and the heat of the day. Being a young man who has had to make his way in the world from boyhood, he can scarcely afford this great expense, but he does it without a murmur. This great conflict in which we are engaged over seas, is developing many splendid characters as leaders who will always be fondly remembered by an appreciative public and among the long list of unselfish patriots this conflict will produce, none will stand higher or be better loved than will our own, Judge Mallory B. BLAIR. One Round Knockout He was a young corporal-been We're Here Yet; We're Here Of Camp Kearny we are tried; Book 1 page 120 Here's First Cantonment Baby-Miss Mary Sunshine WEBB, Weighing 7 Pounds, Born at Camp Kearny in Cal., Is Showered with Presents from Sunshine Division Men.
Corporal and Mrs. W. Loyd WEBB and Baby-The infant is called "Daughter of the Sunshine Division" because she was born in the camp, while her mother was visiting her daddy. Moreover, she has the honor of being the first infant to grace the confines of a National Army camp in the United States. The baby has been christened Mary Sunshine and the soldiers have showered her with toys, clothes, a carriage and scores of other things which all babies need. Book 1 page 121 Telephone Service at Kearny-Right here at Camp Kearny there are a few parts of the big organization that does not get into the regular limelight. They do their bit so quietly that no one hears much about them. At this camp there is a telephone exchange that handles all the telephoning of this big place. A good capable manager has complete charge of the service work of the switchboard. Upon him falls the tedious task of keeping the lines open at all times and giving immediate attention to all calls, whether long distance or local. These calls run up into the thousands every day. It is Mr. DOL that has this responsibility and gets away with it so handily. Under him as his supports are the little hands that so cleverly work the switchboards. These hands belong to the telephone girls stationed for duty at Camp Kearny. Their hours are long and the work is tiresome, still you do not hear them complain the least bit. The switchboard goes along with no trouble at all and the services is splendid. It has been commended by the military officers of the signal corps as most competent work. The Camp Kearny Weekly News recognizes this bit that is being done for the welfare of the armies of the United States and takes a lot of pleasure in so bring able to bring before the eyes of some of the soldiers of this camp the work that is so quietly being carried on for us. War Dog Makes Good in Test-Experiment Made by Grizzlies Shows Value of Dogs in War Work-The war dogs now being trained at Camp Kearny are gaining as high reputation s the men of the camp and have proved their worth in a recent test conducted by George T. NEWHALL of the 144th Field Artillery and Frank GODFREY, the owner of one of the largest dogs in training at the camp. NEWHALL took the dog with him down into Mission Valley, 12 miles from the camp. There the dog was released and immediately started back to camp, traveling along at a swift trot, and 58 minutes later he arrived at camp and jumped on his master, Mr. GODFREY barking his own success. There are several other war dogs being trained by the Grizzlies, many of them the gifts of Mrs. Anita BALDWIN, who is prominently know as a breeder. She believes that the ideal war dog is a cross between the Airedale and the collie and is actively interested in the experiments being carried on by the soldiers. The dogs are a valuable means of communication in war times, and the Grizzlies are hoping that they will be able to take the dogs with them as their equipment for France, but that is not fully decided as yet. 158th Infantry win 14-Inning Game From Sailors-Playing the best baseball the team has exhibited this season, the nine of the 158th infantry Saturday afternoon won a 14-inning game from the Section Navy Base, better known as the Harbor Patrol. The score was 2 to 1, and not a run scored during the game was an earned one. The affair was a pitchers battle between DONKERSLEY of the 158th and NEWKIRK of the sailors. Both men are former professionals, and they were in great shape. NEWKIRK fanned twelve men, allowed four hits and walked one. DONKERSLEY fanned eight, allowed only two hits and walked four. DONKERSLEY won his own game in the fourteenth inning by crashing a hit through HOLSTROM, the initial sacker for the sailors. It scored CURRAN with the winning run. CURRAN scored the other run negotiated by the Arizona men, in the eighth inning. DONKERSLEY grew better as the game progressed into extra innings. In the tenth, eleventh and twelfth frames he retired the side on four pitched balls per inning. WACKOB, a former Western league backstop, held him up in great shape. Both sides are anxious for a return game, and it will probably be arranged in the near future. The teams appear to be very evenly matched and another fine game should result. The score: 158th Infantry R=2 H=4 E=3 Section Navy Base R=1 H=2 E=2 Batteries: DONKERSLEY and WACKOB; NEWKIRK and ANFINSON. Officers' Training School-Ye editor of Camp Kearny News breezed into our sanctum sanctorum this morning, asking for an article, and said he wanted the names of all the members, as he understood all were to graduate. Lieutenant POOL of the Third Company was very quick with a denial. Fumes of benzine! The course in paper work and administration is attracting the attention of the entire division as it is a very practical one and an innovation in training school annals. Under the direction of Lieutenant HENSEL eight student instructors, who in most cases have been regimental sergeant majors, are explaining the different phases of the work, and it is an assured fact that the students who receive their commissions from this school will be able to handle and ordinary paper work that could come up with a new organization. The dinner which had been planned by members of the Third Company has been indefinitely postponed. Captain PHILOON, commandant of the school, suggested that a smoker was to be given for the entire battalion which would take the place of the more elaborate banquet. This smoker, by the way, is going to be rather an innovation. It will be given under the direction of Lieutenant HENSEL and will be paid for from the ration savings. We understand that eats are to be served and that many officers from the division have accepted the school's invitation and will be present. The entertainment is in the hands of E. R. HICKS, Third Company; Mr. CHAPMAN, First Company; Tom FOREMAN, Second Company, and Mr. BUTTS, from the battery. There's going to be boxing matches to decide the champion of the school, minstrel shows, singing, fencing and all sorts of unique entertainment. Under the direction of the commissioned officers of the school the students are mounting formal guard mount every evening and taking turns at the different offices and positions so that they will be well versed in this important phase of military work. Maeterlink's immortal play, "Bluebird," was shown on the screen at a San Diego theatre recently. We doubt if any member of the Officers' Training School witnessed the performance. We are all tired of Bluebirds. They are thick in these parts. Book 1 page 122 Our Hitch In Hell-The Musings of a Soldier Revised and set Down in Verse-By F.B. CAMP Every day and night I'm thinking of the things I
left behind,